
Sede Legale
GeodaG Sistemi Srl
Viale U. Tupini, n. 121 - 00144 - Roma (RM) 

Sede Legale
GeodaG Sistemi Srl
Viale U. Tupini, n. 121 - 00144 - Roma (RM) 


Tel: 0039 035 340771 
Fax: 0039 035 340771
Mobile: 0039 335 5865 013


Tel: 0039 035 340771 
Fax: 0039 035 340771
Mobile: 0039 335 5865 013

Sede Operativa

GeodaG Sistemi Srl
Via G. Donizetti,n° 24 - 24020 Gorle (BG)

Sede Operativa

GeodaG Sistemi Srl
Via G. Donizetti,n° 24 - 24020 Gorle (BG)


P.IVA 09036781004 - C.F 09036781004 - Capitale sociale € 10.000,00 i.v. - Reg. Imprese di Roma n. REA 1134935 

GeodaG SRL © 2022 - Powered by Logos Engineering

A small Italian company has developed an innovative anchorage system, called Geodinox QT850, to be used in structural and geotechnical application. The system is made of stainless steel, continuous specially threaded bars (20 to 50 mm diameter) with all necessary special devices as plates, nuts and couplers. It can be used both as temporary and definitive anchorage and it is suitable for structures situated in most aggressive environments.  


Geodinox QT850 is an innovative system of anchorage which can be used in different fields and for many purposes, providing very resistant, convenient and good value solutions. It is suitable for structures situated in most aggressive environments, it resists corrosion and has strong mechanical resistance and wide adaptability. The company can provide consultancy and suggest appropriate applications.
Geodinox QT850 can be used either in structural and geotechnical applications. The system is particularly convenient for structural applications, when high mechanical reliability tension elements are requested in severe conditions. The easy combination of such elements makes it effective in case either steel and concrete must be jointed. It can be used in new buildings designed according to anti-seismic criteria, for structural improvement of historical buildings in accordance with the anti-seismic norms, and for tie-rods for static and dynamic consolidation.
Geotechnical applications generally concern all foundations and improvement of mechanical characteristics of soil and rocks through retaining and diaphragm walls. Geodinox systems can be used as” Rock Bolts, Soil Nails, Ground Anchors and Micropiles” in consolidation works. It has been used for historical monuments (International Unesco project for Buddah statues in Afghanistan, Ue projects)
Innovative aspect:
Geodinox bars are made of special stainless steels through a new procedure of hot rolling, with controlled temperature and speed, which brings an improvement of mechanical characteristics and an optimization of couplings thanks to the particular thread’s shape. 

Main advantages:
The technology shown is suitable for structures situated in most aggressive environments, it resists to corrosion and has strong mechanical resistance and wide adaptability.


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